Photo Selection Software for Photographers

Clients can conveniently access and select their favourite photos from the comfort of their home, workplace, or anywhere else.


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World's Most Advanced Website for Photographers

World's Most Advanced Photo Selection Software For Photographers

Simple & Secure way to Select the Photos

One of the biggest challenges photographers face is sharing images with their customers for selection. Security and time management are the most important considerations when sharing photos.

Are we all looking for hassle-free photo selection software? Is it possible?

Yes! It is possible. Say goodbye to the usual photo selection process and welcome Photomall-the world's most advanced online photo selection software!


How it Works


Add User

To add a customer as a user, simply enter their name and either their mobile number or email address


Add Event

Create an Event for that particular user



Upload the photos onto the event by simple drag and drop



Instantly get a link and share with the customer for photo selection

How it Works

Add User

Enter user name and either their mobile number or email address

Add Event

Create an Event for that particular user


Upload the photos onto the event by simple drag and drop


Instantly get a link and share with the customer for photo selection


Ease of Access to customers

Any Time
Any Device

Customers can access the photos by logging in with their registered Mobile Number / Email at any time, anywhere & on any device.

Easy Photo Selection Process

Swipe to select the photos

All the photos are available in a folder named "UNDECIDED". Users can swipe right to select and swipe left to reject the photos inside the folder.

Instant UNDO option

If the user mistakenly selects or rejects the photos, they can immediately undo their decision.

Priority & Design Suggestion

Users can mark the priority of the photos by giving them star ratings and can provide design suggestions for each photo (e.g., "Frame this image").

Review the Photos

All the selected and rejected photos are available in separate folders, so users can review the selected photos before giving confirmation.

Rights to download

By granting the download rights, photographers can enable users to access and download their pictures.

Safe & Secure way to Share the Photos

Can't take a screenshot.

Can't download the images without access

Can't screen record.

Photo Selection Software

Client Photo Selection

World's Most Advanced Photo Selection Tool

No more workload

There is no need to compress or watermark the event photos.

Ease of access

Clients can conveniently access and select their favourite photos from the comfort of their home, workplace, or anywhere else.

Simple selection process

Clients can easily select & reject the photos in a single swipe.

Secure Method

Downloading or taking screenshots of the photos is not possible.

Sounds good? Wanna try this photo selection app? Just click the "Register" button to create your own mobile app.